Out Georgia 2023 "Member of the Year"
Nominated Out Georgia 2022 "Member of the Year"
Do It Yourself (DIY) Promo Plan
BG Promotions, Inc. is a marketing consultant agency that puts the power of marketing into your hands. We understand that every business is unique and requires a unique approach and we are here to help. We provide a wide range of consulting services, from content creation to SEO to digital campaigns. We also offer our "DIY Do It Yourself" program, where we create the content, and you get the tools and training to do it yourself. We want to equip our customers with the knowledge and skills to help them succeed in their business. Let us help you take your business to the next level.
Great Value
DIY Promo Plan
Every month
Do It Yourself: We create your Content, You post It Yourself
Valid until canceled
1 Digital Graphic Designs (2 Sizes) Twice a Month
1 Professional Commercial 30 Sec Video Reel 2 Sizes
Promote Media on BG Promotions Inc Digital Platforms
Marketing For Your Business Blueprint
Business Credit Blueprint